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Thoughts to Ponder

Your Greatest Obstacle is Also Your Greatest Strategy

Think about your biggest obstacle. What is it? Chances are, you’re thinking your biggest obstacle is a circumstance (a test, a deadline, money, time, an intense emotion, a bad habit, even a person). Did you know your biggest obstacle is actually YOU? More specifically, your mind. Your brain. Your THOUGHTS about these things.

What if you could turn your biggest obstacle (your thoughts about your circumstance) into your greatest strategy?

You CAN.

It’s completely doable and it’s the greatest news!

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Nothing can bring you peace but yourself.”

Our thoughts are the gatekeeper for your ultimate peace and happiness. We can’t always control our circumstances, and we certainly can’t control others, so isn’t it rather relieving to know that YOU can actually allow yourself to feel more peace? Peace is always available. How are you blocking yourself from feeling peace?

It’s said that “what you think about you bring about.” Your thoughts are directly linked to your feelings, actions, and results. Don’t believe it? Look at your life. There is evidence of this in every area —your relationship with yourself and others, the goals you pursue vs. the things you choose to avoid, the way you spend your time, how you show up in the world, etc. Your thinking is everything!