Essential life skills your teen needs but likely isn’t getting...

Essential life skills your teen needs but likely isn’t getting...

You’ve experienced the eye-rolls and sighs.

You feel like you’re talking to a teenage brick wall.

Lecturing doesn’t work—your teen shuts down, and it’s in one ear and out the other.

You know your teen is struggling with anxiety and stress, but you just don’t know what to do about it.

You want different results than the ones you and your teen are currently getting.

You know it’s time to try something new.

l can help.

I was there, too.

I get that your teen doesn’t want to sit in therapy, and neither do you.

You’re ready to work toward change, but you’re limited on time. I know you’re running around managing various schedules.

The good news is, you don’t have to go anywhere — I meet with clients via video conference so they can be in the comfort of their home, or anywhere there’s an internet connection.

We meet one-on-one or in a small group. I work with teens and parents separately or together based on your needs.

You and your teen will leave with engaging, doable take-home strategies that can be applied right away to create a more empowered today and tomorrow.

Kids aren’t learning this in school, yet these are essential life skills you don’t want them to be without.

I work to arm teens with practical skills and tools so they can:

  • navigate anxiety, stress, and overwhelm
  • understand how to feel better
  • increase confidence
  • handle peer pressure and nurture healthy friendships
  • set and work toward goals
  • problem solve
  • think abundantly
  • come to know and love themselves

As the parent, you also learn life-changing strategies that will give you the relationship you want with your teen.

You might be thinking, “This sounds too good to be true. Is this is some kind of quick fix?”

I will tell you upfront; this kind of change takes commitment and investment. It’s not for those who want immediate results without doing the work.

These are science-backed, research-based methods and techniques that work, but ONLY when you apply them.

If you’re ready to start this process, click the button below to set a time to meet with me for a free mini-session to talk about where you are and where you want to go from here.

What if I’m in, but my teenager isn’t?

Some teens are skeptical or nervous about coaching. They overcome these feelings as they participate. Most teens who show up reluctantly learn it’s different than they thought—they are surprised they actually enjoy the process.

That said, this isn’t for everyone. Your teen must be willing to engage (be present and open to learning).

I work with parents individually when their teens are unwilling. We work on steps to implement these strategies at home and create more peaceful relationships within the family.

How can I convince my teen who’s on the fence?

Communicate that this is a self-driven process that will produce the results they want. Ask your teen to think about what they want for their future and what they want more of right now. Ask if they would like to learn how to feel better and create more confidence in any situation.

Let your child know YOU are participating and learning these things as well (I include separate sessions for parents).

If you want to make sure your teenager learns the most effective ways to manage stress, increase confidence, and feel personally empowered–not just now, but also long term…

Click below to sign up for a free mini-session with me.


"Before this course, I cared so much about what other people thought about me, which is a cause of my anxiety, and after taking some things I’ve learned into mind, I’ve stopped caring so much."

I have always struggled with anxiety and self-confidence and this program has really helped me to overcome that. Before this course, I cared so much about what other people thought about me, which is a cause of my anxiety, and after taking some things I’ve learned into mind, I’ve stopped caring so much. I have actually had more fun just being myself and not worrying about if someone is watching and judging my every move.

The class on confidence was my favorite because it really showed me that people don’t think about us as much as we think they do because we are all focused on ourselves. Overall, this program has helped me in many ways and it was also an opportunity to see that other girls my age struggle with the same problems as me.
— Elizabeth

"We are so thankful to Amy for making this an online course that is accessible from anywhere in the world.​"

Before our daughter was enrolled in Teen Empowerment Academy she was struggling with the ability to withstand peer pressures, resolve conflict with friends, daily anxiety, and communication with us. Since completing the Academy classes she has gained a greater understanding of the power she has in herself to think differently about her daily circumstances.

She has told us that she now knows she is in charge of her thinking and she knows all of her thoughts drive her actions. She also says she is able to recognize her struggles and name them for what they are. This in itself allows her to face her struggles with more strength and knowledge. Finally, she is much more open with her communication and love for us. We are so thankful to Amy for making this an online course that is accessible from anywhere in the world.
— Megan

"I have loved watching my daughter take the tools from this class and run with them."

My daughter has absorbed the content of this class. She has loved learning about her brain and how to work with her feelings. She has become more confident at speaking out in potentially daunting situations. I have loved watching her take the tools from this class and run with them. She has even attempted to teach them to her older siblings!
— Angie

"I am capable of new things."

My problems were having to think about too many things at once and I can now organize my thoughts, and I am capable of new things.
— Ben

"I have a better way of looking at things I'm going through in my life."

This teen empowerment class helped me so much! I was invited to participate at a good time of my life, and because of it I have a better way of looking at things I'm going through in my life. Amy Koch has a way with words and teaching!
— Madison

"I have noticed great changes."

My daughter took the empowerment class and I have noticed great changes as she recognizes how to work through her thoughts and feelings.
— Tanya

"She showed me how to take control and get the results that I wanted."

Amy is just amazing. She helped me to realize what I was doing to myself, how to stop the crazy cycle and see how my thoughts about my circumstances impact my feelings and actions. She showed me how to take control and get the results that I wanted. Her coaching has made such a difference for me in my day to day life.
— Patty